Advanced Java Mcq Pdf Free Download

Here are 1000 Java Programming MCQ (Chapterwise).

1. Who invented Java Programming?
a) Guido van Rossum
b) James Gosling
c) Dennis Ritchie
d) Bjarne Stroustrup
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Answer: b
Explanation: Java programming was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995. James Gosling is well known as the father of Java.

2. Which statement is true about Java?
a) Java is a sequence-dependent programming language
b) Java is a code dependent programming language
c) Java is a platform-dependent programming language
d) Java is a platform independent programming language
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Answer: d
Explanation: Java is called 'Platform Independent Language' as it primarily works on the principle of 'compile once, run everywhere'.

3. Which component is used to compile, debug and execute the java programs?
a) JRE
b) JIT
c) JDK
d) JVM
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Answer: c
Explanation: JDK is a core component of Java Environment and provides all the tools, executables and binaries required to compile, debug and execute a Java Program.

4. Which one of the following is not a Java feature?
a) Object-oriented
b) Use of pointers
c) Portable
d) Dynamic and Extensible
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pointers is not a Java feature. Java provides an efficient abstraction layer for developing without using a pointer in Java. Features of Java Programming are Portable, Architectural Neutral, Object-Oriented, Robust, Secure, Dynamic and Extensible, etc.

5. Which of these cannot be used for a variable name in Java?
a) identifier & keyword
b) identifier
c) keyword
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Keywords are specially reserved words that can not be used for naming a user defined variable, for example: class, int, for, etc.

6. What is the extension of java code files?
a) .js
b) .txt
c) .class
d) .java
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Answer: d
Explanation: Java files have .java extension.

7. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                increment                {              
  2.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  3.                 {              
  4.                 int                g                =                3                ;              
  5.                 System.out.print                (                ++g                *                8                )                ;              
  6.                 }              
  7.                 }              

a) 32
b) 33
c) 24
d) 25
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Answer: a
Explanation: Operator ++ has more preference than *, thus g becomes 4 and when multiplied by 8 gives 32.

$ javac              $ java increment              32            

8. Which environment variable is used to set the java path?
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Answer: d
Explanation: JAVA_HOME is used to store a path to the java installation.

9. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                output                {              
  2.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  3.                 {              
  4.                 double                a, b,c;              
  5.                 a                =                3.0                /                0                ;              
  6.                 b                =                0                /                4.0                ;              
  7.                 c=                0                /                0.0                ;              
  9.                 System.out.println                (a)                ;              
  10.                 System.out.println                (b)                ;              
  11.                 System.out.println                (c)                ;              
  12.                 }              
  13.                 }              

a) NaN
b) Infinity
c) 0.0
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: For floating point literals, we have constant value to represent (10/0.0) infinity either positive or negative and also have NaN (not a number for undefined like 0/0.0), but for the integral type, we don't have any constant that's why we get an arithmetic exception.

10. Which of the following is not an OOPS concept in Java?
a) Polymorphism
b) Inheritance
c) Compilation
d) Encapsulation
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Answer: c
Explanation: There are 4 OOPS concepts in Java. Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Abstraction.

11. What is not the use of "this" keyword in Java?
a) Referring to the instance variable when a local variable has the same name
b) Passing itself to the method of the same class
c) Passing itself to another method
d) Calling another constructor in constructor chaining
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Answer: b
Explanation: "this" is an important keyword in java. It helps to distinguish between local variable and variables passed in the method as parameters.

12. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                variable_scope              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 int                x;              
  6.                 x                =                5                ;              
  7.                 {              
  8.                 int                y                =                6                ;              
  9.                 System.out.print                (x                +                " "                +                y)                ;              
  10.                 }              
  11.                 System.out.println                (x                +                " "                +                y)                ;              
  12.                 }              
  13.                 }              

a) Compilation error
b) Runtime error
c) 5 6 5 6
d) 5 6 5
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Answer: a
Explanation: Second print statement doesn't have access to y , scope y was limited to the block defined after initialization of x.

$ javac              Exception              in thread              "main"              java.lang.Error              :              Unresolved compilation problem:              y cannot be resolved to a variable

13. What will be the error in the following Java code?

a) b cannot contain value 50
b) b cannot contain value 100, limited by its range
c) No error in this code
d) * operator has converted b * 50 into int, which can not be converted to byte without casting
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Answer: d
Explanation: While evaluating an expression containing int, bytes or shorts, the whole expression is converted to int then evaluated and the result is also of type int.

14. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                evaluate              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 int                arr[                ]                =                new                int                [                ]                {                0                ,                1,                2,                3,                4,                5,                6,                7,                8,                9                }                ;              
  6.                 int                n                =                6                ;              
  7.                 n                =                arr[arr[n]                /                2                ]                ;              
  8.                 System.out.println                (arr[n]                /                2                )                ;              
  9.                 }              
  10.                 }              

a) 2
b) 1
c) 4
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: Array arr contains 10 elements. n contains 6 thus in next line n is given value 3 printing arr[3]/2 i:e 3/2 = 1 because of int Value, by int values there is no rest. If this values would be float the result would be 1.5.

$ javac              $ java evaluate              1            

15. Which of the following is a type of polymorphism in Java Programming?
a) Multiple polymorphism
b) Compile time polymorphism
c) Multilevel polymorphism
d) Execution time polymorphism
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are two types of polymorphism in Java. Compile time polymorphism (overloading) and runtime polymorphism (overriding).

16. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                leftshift_operator              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 byte                x                =                64                ;              
  6.                 int                i;              
  7.                 byte                y;              
  8.                 i                =                x                <<                2                ;              
  9.                 y                =                (                byte                )                (x                <<                2                )              
  10.                 System.out.print                (i                +                " "                +                y)                ;              
  11.                 }              
  12.                 }              

a) 0 256
b) 0 64
c) 256 0
d) 64 0
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

$ javac              $ java leftshift_operator              256              0            

17. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                Output              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 int                x=y=z=                20                ;              
  7.                 }              
  8.                 }              

a) compile time error
b) run time error
c) 20
d) compile and runs fine
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

18. Which of the following package is used for text formatting in Java programming language?
b) java.awt.text
c) java.awt
d) java.text
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Answer: d
Explanation: java.text allows formatting, searching and manipulating text.

19. Which of the following is not a segment of memory in java?
a) Code Segment
b) Register Segment
c) Stack Segment
d) Heap Segment
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are only 3 types of memory segment. Stack Segment, Heap Segment and Code Segment.

20. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                box              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 int                width;              
  4.                 int                height;              
  5.                 int                length;              
  6.                 }              
  7.                 class                mainclass              
  8.                 {              
  9.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  10.                 {              
  11.                 box obj                =                new                box(                )                ;              
  12.                 obj.width                =                10                ;              
  13.                 obj.height                =                2                ;              
  14.                 obj.length                =                10                ;              
  15.                 int                y                =                obj.width                *                obj.height                *                obj.length                ;              
  16.                 System.out.print                (y)                ;              
  17.                 }              
  18.                 }              

a) 100
b) 400
c) 200
d) 12
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

$ javac              $ java mainclass              200            

21. What is Truncation in Java?
a) Floating-point value assigned to a Floating type
b) Floating-point value assigned to an integer type
c) Integer value assigned to floating type
d) Integer value assigned to floating type
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

22. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                Output              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 int                arr[                ]                =                {                1,                2,                3,                4,                5                }                ;              
  6.                 for                (                int                i                =                0                ;                i                <                arr.length                -                2                ;                ++i)              
  7.                 System.out.println                (arr[i]                +                " "                )                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) 1 2 3 4 5
b) 1 2 3 4
c) 1 2
d) 1 2 3
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Answer: d
Explanation: arr.length() is 5, so the loop is executed for three times.

$ javac              $ java Output              1              2              3            

23. What will be the output of the following Java code snippet?

  1.                 class                abc
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 if                (args.length                >                0                )              
  6.                 System.out.println                (args.length                )                ;              
  7.                 }              
  8.                 }              

a) The snippet compiles and runs but does not print anything
b) The snippet compiles, runs and prints 0
c) The snippet compiles, runs and prints 1
d) The snippet does not compile
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Answer: a
Explanation: As no argument is passed to the code, the length of args is 0. So the code will not print.

24. What is the extension of compiled java classes?
a) .txt
b) .js
c) .class
d) .java
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Answer: c
Explanation: The compiled java files have .class extension.

25. Which exception is thrown when java is out of memory?
a) MemoryError
b) OutOfMemoryError
c) MemoryOutOfBoundsException
d) MemoryFullException
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Xms flag has no default value, and Xmx typically has a default value of 256MB. A common use for these flags is when you encounter a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.

26. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                Alligator              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                [                ]                args)              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 int                [                ]x[                ]                =                {                {                1,2                },                {                3,4,5                },                {                6,7,8,9                }                }                ;              
  6.                 int                [                ]                [                ]y                =                x;              
  7.                 System.out.println                (y[                2                ]                [                1                ]                )                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) Compilation Error
b) 2
c) 3
d) 7
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Answer: d
Explanation: Both x,and y are pointing to the same array.

27. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                A              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 int                i;              
  4.                 void                display(                )              
  5.                 {              
  6.                 System.out.println                (i)                ;              
  7.                 }              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 class                B                extends                A              
  10.                 {              
  11.                 int                j;              
  12.                 void                display(                )              
  13.                 {              
  14.                 System.out.println                (j)                ;              
  15.                 }              
  16.                 }              
  17.                 class                method_overriding              
  18.                 {              
  19.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  20.                 {              
  21.                 B obj                =                new                B(                )                ;              
  22.                 obj.i                =                1                ;              
  23.                 obj.j                =                2                ;              
  24.                 obj.display                (                )                ;              
  25.                 }              
  26.                 }              

a) 1
b) 2
c) 0
d) Error
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Answer: b
Explanation: class A & class B both contain display() method, class B inherits class A, when display() method is called by object of class B, display() method of class B is executed rather than that of Class A.

$ javac              $ java method_overriding              2            

28. Which of these are selection statements in Java?
a) break
b) continue
c) for()
d) if()
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Answer: d
Explanation: Continue and break are jump statements, and for is a looping statement.

29. Which of these coding types is used for data type characters in Java?
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Unicode defines fully international character set that can represent all the characters found in all human languages. Its range is from 0 to 65536.

30. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                String_demo              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 char                chars[                ]                =                {                'a',                'b',                'c'                }                ;              
  6.                 String                s                =                new                String                (chars)                ;              
  7.                 System.out.println                (s)                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) abc
b) a
c) b
d) c
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Answer: a
Explanation: String(chars) is a constructor of class string, it initializes string s with the values stored in character array chars, therefore s contains "abc".

$ javac              $ java String_demo  abc

31. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                recursion              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 int                func                (                int                n)              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 int                result;              
  6.                 if                (n                ==                1                )              
  7.                 return                1                ;              
  8.                 result                =                func                (n                -                1                )                ;              
  9.                 return                result;              
  10.                 }              
  11.                 }              
  12.                 class                Output              
  13.                 {              
  14.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  15.                 {              
  16.                 recursion obj                =                new                recursion(                )                ;              
  17.                 System.out.print                (obj.func                (                5                )                )                ;              
  18.                 }              
  19.                 }              

a) 1
b) 120
c) 0
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

$ javac Output.javac              $ java Output              1            

32. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                output              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 String                c                =                "Hello i love java"                ;              
  6.                 boolean                var;              
  7.                 var                =                c.startsWith                (                "hello"                )                ;              
  8.                 System.out.println                (var)                ;              
  9.                 }              
  10.                 }              

a) 0
b) true
c) 1
d) false
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Answer: d
Explanation: startsWith() method is case sensitive "hello" and "Hello" are treated differently, hence false is stored in var.

$ javac              $ java output              false            

33. Which of these keywords is used to define interfaces in Java?
a) intf
b) Intf
c) interface
d) Interface
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

34. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                output              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 StringBuffer                s1                =                new                StringBuffer                (                "Hello"                )                ;              
  6.                 StringBuffer                s2                =                s1.reverse                (                )                ;              
  7.                 System.out.println                (s2)                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) HelloolleH
b) olleHHello
c) Hello
d) olleH
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Answer: d
Explanation: reverse() method reverses all characters. It returns the reversed object on which it was called.

$ javac              $ java output olleH

35. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                Output              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 Integer                i                =                new                Integer                (                257                )                ;              
  6.                 byte                x                =                i.byteValue                (                )                ;              
  7.                 System.out.print                (x)                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) 257
b) 256
c) 1
d) 0
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Answer: a
Explanation: i.byteValue() method returns the value of wrapper i as a byte value. i is 257, range of byte is 256 therefore i value exceeds byte range by 1 hence 1 is returned and stored in x.

$ javac              $ java Output              1            

36. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                Output              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 double                x                =                2.0                ;              
  6.                 double                y                =                3.0                ;              
  7.                 double                z                =                Math.pow                (                x, y                )                ;              
  8.                 System.out.print                (z)                ;              
  9.                 }              
  10.                 }              

a) 9.0
b) 8.0
c) 4.0
d) 2.0
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Answer: b
Explanation: Math.pow(x, y) methods returns value of y to the power x, i:e x ^ y, 2.0 ^ 3.0 = 8.0.

$ javac              $ java Output              8.0            

37. Which of these class is a superclass of every class in Java?
a) ArrayList class
b) Abstract class
c) Object class
d) String class
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Answer: c
Explanation: Object class is superclass of every class in Java.

38. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                Output              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 double                x                =                3.14                ;              
  6.                 int                y                =                (                int                )                Math.ceil                (x)                ;              
  7.                 System.out.print                (y)                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) 3
b) 0
c) 4
d) 3.0
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Answer: c
Explanation: ciel(double X) returns the smallest whole number greater than or equal to variable x.

$ javac              $ java Output              4            

39. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                Output
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 int                a                =                Character.MIN_VALUE                ;              
  6.                 System.out.print                (                (                char                )a)                ;              
  7.                 }              
  8.                 }              

a) @
b) Space
c) <
d) !
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Answer: b
Explanation: Character.MIN_VALUE returns the smallest character value, which is of space character ' '.

$ javac              $ java Output

40. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 import      *                ;              
  2.                 class                networking              
  3.                 {              
  4.                 public                static                void                main(                String                [                ]                args)                throws                Exception              
  5.                 {              
  6.                 URL                obj                =                new                URL                (                ""                )                ;              
  7.                 URLConnection                obj1                =                obj.openConnection                (                )                ;              
  8.                 int                len                =                obj1.getContentLength                (                )                ;              
  9.                 System.out.print                (len)                ;              
  10.                 }              
  11.                 }              

Note: Host URL is having length of content 127.
a) 127
b) 126
c) Runtime Error
d) Compilation Error
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

$ javac              $ java networking              127            

41. Which of the below is not a Java Profiler?
a) JProfiler
b) Eclipse Profiler
c) JVM
d) JConsole
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Answer: c
Explanation: Memory leak is like holding a strong reference to an object although it would never be needed anymore. Objects that are reachable but not live are considered memory leaks. Various tools help us to identify memory leaks.

42. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 import      *                ;              
  2.                 class                networking
  3.                 {              
  4.                 public                static                void                main(                String                [                ]                args)                throws                MalformedURLException              
  5.                 {              
  6.                 URL                obj                =                new                URL                (                ""                )                ;              
  7.                 System.out.print                (obj.toExternalForm                (                )                )                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

c) sanfoundry
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Answer: b
Explanation: toExternalForm() is used to know the full URL of an URL object.

$ javac              $ java networking  https:              //            

43. Which of these keywords can be used to prevent Method overriding in Java?
a) final
b) protected
c) static
d) constant
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Answer: a
Explanation: To disallow a method from being overridden, specify final as a modifier at the start of its declaration. Methods declared as final cannot be overridden.

44. What will be the output of the following Java code snippet?

  1.                 import                java.util.*                ;              
  2.                 class                Arraylist              
  3.                 {              
  4.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  5.                 {              
  6.                 ArrayList                obj                =                new                ArrayList                (                )                ;              
  7.                 obj.add                (                "A"                )                ;              
  8.                 obj.add                (                "B"                )                ;              
  9.                 obj.add                (                "C"                )                ;              
  10.                 obj.add                (                1,                "D"                )                ;              
  11.                 System.out.println                (obj)                ;              
  12.                 }              
  13.                 }              

a) [A, D, C]
b) [A, B, C]
c) [A, B, C, D]
d) [A, D, B, C]
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Answer: d
Explanation: obj is an object of class ArrayList hence it is an dynamic array which can increase and decrease its size. obj.add("X") adds to the array element X and obj.add(1,"X") adds element x at index position 1 in the list, Hence obj.add(1,"D") stores D at index position 1 of obj and shifts the previous value stored at that position by 1.

$ javac              $ java Arraylist              [A, D, B, C].

45. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 import                java.util.*                ;              
  2.                 class                date
  3.                 {              
  4.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  5.                 {              
  6.                 Date                obj                =                new                Date                (                )                ;              
  7.                 System.out.print                (obj)                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) Any Garbage Value
b) Prints Present Time & Date
c) Runtime Error
d) Prints Present Date
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

$ javac              $ java date Tue Jun              11              11              :              29              :              57              PDT              2013            

46. Which of these packages contains the exception Stack Overflow in Java?
b) java.system
c) java.lang
d) java.util
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.

47. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 import                java.util.*                ;              
  2.                 class                Collection_iterators              
  3.                 {              
  4.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  5.                 {              
  6.                 LinkedList                list                =                new                LinkedList                (                )                ;              
  7.                 list.add                (                new                Integer                (                2                )                )                ;              
  8.                 list.add                (                new                Integer                (                8                )                )                ;              
  9.                 list.add                (                new                Integer                (                5                )                )                ;              
  10.                 list.add                (                new                Integer                (                1                )                )                ;              
  11.                 Iterator                i                =                list.iterator                (                )                ;              
  12.                 Collections.reverse                (list)                ;              
  13.                 Collections.sort                (list)                ;              
  14.                 while                (i.hasNext                (                )                )              
  15.                 System.out.print                (                (                )                +                " "                )                ;              
  16.                 }              
  17.                 }              

a) 1 2 5 8
b) 2 1 8 5
c) 1 5 8 2
d) 2 8 5 1
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Answer: a
Explanation: Collections.sort(list) sorts the given list, the list was 2->8->5->1 after sorting it became 1->2->5->8.

$ javac              $ java Collection_iterators              1              2              5              8            

48. Which of these keywords are used for the block to be examined for exceptions?
a) check
b) throw
c) catch
d) try
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Answer: d
Explanation: try is used for the block that needs to checked for exception.

49. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                multithreaded_programing
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 Thread                t                =                Thread.currentThread                (                )                ;              
  6.                 t.setName                (                "New Thread"                )                ;              
  7.                 System.out.println                (t)                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) Thread[main,5,main]
b) Thread[New Thread,5,main]
c) Thread[5,main]
d) Thread[New Thread,5]
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

$ javac              $ java multithreaded_programing              Thread              [              New              Thread,5,main]            

50. Which one of the following is not an access modifier?
a) Protected
b) Void
c) Public
d) Private
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Answer: b
Explanation: Public, private, protected and default are the access modifiers.

51. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                output
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 StringBuffer                s1                =                new                StringBuffer                (                "Hello"                )                ;              
  6.                 StringBuffer                s2                =                s1.reverse                (                )                ;              
  7.                 System.out.println                (s2)                ;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 }              

a) olleH
b) olleHHello
c) Hello
d) HelloolleH
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Answer: a
Explanation: reverse() method reverses all characters. It returns the reversed object on which it was called.

$ javac              $ java output olleH

52. What is the numerical range of a char data type in Java?
a) 0 to 256
b) -128 to 127
c) 0 to 65535
d) 0 to 32767
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Answer: c
Explanation: Char occupies 16-bit in memory, so it supports 216 i:e from 0 to 65535.

53. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                newthread                extends                Thread              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 Thread                t;              
  4.                 newthread(                )              
  5.                 {              
  6.                 t1                =                new                Thread                (                this,"Thread_1"                )                ;              
  7.                 t2                =                new                Thread                (                this,"Thread_2"                )                ;              
  8.                 t1.start                (                )                ;              
  9.                 t2.start                (                )                ;              
  10.                 }              
  11.                 public                void                run(                )              
  12.                 {              
  13.                 t2.setPriority                (                Thread.MAX_PRIORITY                )                ;              
  14.                 System.out.print                (t1.equals                (t2)                )                ;              
  15.                 }              
  16.                 }              
  17.                 class                multithreaded_programing
  18.                 {              
  19.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  20.                 {              
  21.                 new                newthread(                )                ;              
  22.                 }              
  23.                 }              

a) truetrue
b) falsefalse
c) true
d) false
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Answer: b
Explanation: This program was previously done by using Runnable interface, here we have used Thread class. This shows both the method are equivalent, we can use any of them to create a thread.

$ javac              $ java multithreaded_programing falsefalse

54. Which class provides system independent server side implementation?
a) Server
b) ServerReader
c) Socket
d) ServerSocket
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Answer: d
Explanation: ServerSocket is a class which provides system independent implementation of server side socket connection.

55. What will be the output of the following Java code?

  1.                 class                overload              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 int                x;              
  4.                 double                y;              
  5.                 void                add(                int                a ,                int                b)              
  6.                 {              
  7.                 x                =                a                +                b;              
  8.                 }              
  9.                 void                add(                double                c ,                double                d)              
  10.                 {              
  11.                 y                =                c                +                d;              
  12.                 }              
  13.                 overload(                )              
  14.                 {              
  15.                 this.x                =                0                ;              
  16.                 this.y                =                0                ;              
  17.                 }              
  18.                 }              
  19.                 class                Overload_methods              
  20.                 {              
  21.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  22.                 {              
  23.                 overload obj                =                new                overload(                )                ;              
  24.                 int                a                =                2                ;              
  25.                 double                b                =                3.2                ;              
  26.                 obj.add                (a, a)                ;              
  27.                 obj.add                (b, b)                ;              
  28.                 System.out.println                (obj.x                +                " "                +                obj.y                )                ;              
  29.                 }              
  30.                 }              

a) 6.4 6.4
b) 6 6
c) 4 6.4
d) 6.4 6
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Answer: c
Explanation: For obj.add(a,a); ,the function in line number 4 gets executed and value of x is 4. For the next function call, the function in line number 7 gets executed and value of y is 6.4

$ javac              $ java Overload_methods              4              6.4            

56. Which of the following is true about servlets?
a) Servlets can use the full functionality of the Java class libraries
b) Servlets execute within the address space of web server, platform independent and uses the functionality of java class libraries
c) Servlets execute within the address space of web server
d) Servlets are platform-independent because they are written in java
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Answer: b
Explanation: Servlets execute within the address space of a web server. Since it is written in java it is platform independent. The full functionality is available through libraries.

57. What will be the output of the following Java program?

  1.                 class                string_class              
  2.                 {              
  3.                 public                static                void                main(                String                args[                ]                )              
  4.                 {              
  5.                 String                obj                =                "I LIKE JAVA"                ;              
  6.                 System.out.println                (obj.length                (                )                )                ;              
  7.                 }              
  8.                 }              

a) 11
b) 12
c) 10
d) 9
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

$ javac              $ java string_class              11            

Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Java Programming

Java MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Our 1000+ MCQs focus on all topics of the Java subject, covering 100+ topics. This will help you to prepare for exams, contests, online tests, quizzes, viva-voce, interviews, and certifications. You can practice these MCQs chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.

  1. Java Data Types, Variables and Arrays
  2. Java Operators and Control Statements
  3. Java Environment & OOPS Concepts
  4. Java Classes and Methods
  5. Java Inheritance
  6. String Handling in Java
  7. Exploring java.lang &
  8. Java Serialization & Networking
  9. java.util – Collections Framework
  10. Exception Handling in Java
  11. Java Multithreading
  12. Java I/O & Applets
  13. Java Regular Expressions
  14. Event Handling in Java
  15. java.util – More Utility Classes
  16. Java Interfaces & Packages
  17. Java Autoboxing
  18. Generics in Java
  19. Java Beans & JDBC
  20. Java Server Technologies & Servlet
  21. Session Management, JSP & API
  22. Application Lifecycle & Annotations

1. Java MCQ on Data Types, Variables and Arrays

The section contains Java multiple choice questions and answers on integer, character, floating and boolean data types, variables, type casting and conversions and properties of arrays.

2. Java MCQ on Operators and Control Statements

The section contains Java questions and answers on arithmetic, bitwise, relational, boolean and assignment operators. The section also contains questions on control statements.

3. Multiple Choice Questions on Java Environment & OOPS Concepts

The section contains Java MCQs on oops concepts, jdk, jre, jit and jvm.

4. Java MCQ on Classes and Methods

The section contains Java multiple choice questions and answers on fundamentals of classes, methods basics, heap and garbage collection, object creation, constructors, access control, string class, method overloading and static keyword, command line arguments and recursion.

5. Java MCQ on Inheritance

The section contains Java questions and answers on the concepts of objects, method overriding, inheritance, abstract class and super.

6. Multiple Choice Questions on String Handling in Java

The section contains Java MCQs on the character extraction, string handling functions like stringbuffer class and methods, stringjoiner class and other string comparison functions.

7. MCQ on Exploring java.lang &

The section contains Java multiple choice questions and answers on various concepts of java.lang like data types, types of classes, character and byte streams, builtin exceptions, rounding functions, system class, byte, short, double and float wrappers, character and boolean wrappers and environment properties.

8. Java MCQ on Serialization & Networking

The section contains Java questions and answers on networking basics, server, sockets and httpd class, serialization, deserialization, url class, networking datagrams, htttpresponse and urlconnection class.

9. Multiple Choice Questions on java.util – Collections Framework

The section contains Java MCQs on aspects of java.util like maps, array list, hash set, tree set, linked list, stacks, vectors, dictionary and hash table, rmi, iterators, collection framework overview, collection interface and algorithms.

10. Java MCQ on Exception Handling

The section contains Java multiple choice questions and answers on basics of exception handling, exception types like throw, throws and nested try.

11. Java MCQ on Multithreading

The section contains Java questions and answers on basics of multithreading, thread basics, thread creation, isAlive(), join() and thread synchronization basics.

12. Java MCQ on I/O & Applets

The section contains Java MCQs on applets fundamentals, static import, basics of I/O, file reading and writing and reading console i/p and writing console o/p.

13. Java MCQ on Regular Expressions

The section contains Java multiple choice questions and answers on regular expressions and text formatting.

14. MCQ on Event Handling in Java

The section conatins Java questions and answers on basics of event handling, different types of event handling classes like actionevent, componentevent, containerevent, textevent, mouseevent, windowevent and other event listener interfaces.

15. Multiple Choice Questions on java.util – More Utility Classes

The section contains Java MCQs on locale, random number and classes, timer class, formatter, internationalization, i18n with date, number, currency and time.

16. Multiple Choice Questions on Java Interfaces & Packages

The section contains Java questions and answers on packages, core java api packages, interfaces and its types.

17. Java MCQ on Autoboxing

The section contains Java MCQs on junits, java 8 features, hibernate, file and directory, liskovs principle, aggregration, inference, autoboxing and unboxing.

18. Java MCQ on Generics

The section contains Java multiple choice questions and answers on generics and its methods, wildcards, restrictions and reflecting generics.

19. Multiple Choice Questions on Java Beans & JDBC

The section contains Java questions and answers on java beans, jdbc and design patterns.

20. MCQ on Java Server Technologies & Servlet

The section contains Java MCQs on eclipse debugging, web application, servlet, client and server.

21. Java MCQ on Session Management, JSP & API

The section contains Java multiple choice questions and answers on session management, jsp and its elements, reflection api, autocloseable, closable and flushable interfaces.

22. Java MCQ on Application Lifecycle & Annotations

The section contains Java questions and answers on annotations, application lifecycle like ant, maven and jenkins.

If you would like to learn "Java" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the complete set of 1000+ MCQs - multiple choice questions and answers mentioned above. It will immensely help anyone trying to crack an exam or an interview.

Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Java!

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